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Vigtig info til vores kunder: Ordrer der bestilles efter d. 19. december, til nat- eller kranlevering, vil først bliver leveret 2. januar 2025

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Vigtig info til vores kunder: Ordrer der bestilles efter d. 19. december, til nat- eller kranlevering, vil først bliver leveret 2. januar 2025

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Policy for corporate social responsibility

Policy for Corporate Social Responsibility, including Environment and Climate, Social Responsibility and Governance (ESG)

At AO, we believe that everyone has a responsibility to manage the resources and opportunities that are available to us in a responsible way, thus ensuring that the next generation will get the best possible start in life.

AO is a responsible company. We want to contribute to a sustainable society and have chosen to focus our work on climate and environment, social conditions, and a corporate governance based on integrity and honesty.

Through our basic philosophy - and our daily actions – it is essential for us

  • to help pass on a better world
  • to make a difference by
    • minimizing our climate/environmental impact
    • ensuring good social conditions for our employees and their families
    • managing our company in a responsible way, thus ensuring integrity and honesty as well as transparency
  • to support and comply with the UN Global Compact principles
  • to support the UN Global Goals through concrete actions aimed primarily at Global Goal 3 (Good health and well-being), 4 (Quality education), 5 (Gender equality), 6 (Clean water and sanitation), 7 (Affordable and clean energy), 8 (Decent work and economic growth), 12 (Responsible consumption and production), 13 (Climate action).

Climate and environment

  • We recognise our responsibility to reduce our negative impact on the climate and environment, society and people.
  • We assume our responsibility - also for what is happening outside our business/influence.
  • We work to ensure minimal negative impact on the environment/climate in general, and to reduce non-renewable energy consumption, reduce waste by increasing waste sorting and to reduce packaging consumption.
  • We want to be at the forefront of the ESG agenda when we consume, invest in buildings and/or companies.
  • We want to prevent pollution as much as possible by investing in energy-efficient solutions and promoting energy and CO2 saving initiatives.
  • We prioritise green solutions in our consumption, purchase of services, consumption of packaging and transport, and we think green solutions into our investments.
  • We focus on increasing the share of green products having a minor climate and environmental impact in a life cycle perspective when we buy goods from our suppliers for the benefit of our customers. We want to contribute to an increased customer focus on green products through prioritisation and dialogue.
  • We want to inspire and influence our partners to think green solutions by means of dialogue and impact through trade associations, Dansk Byggeri (The Danish Construction Association) and other public authorities.

Social conditions

  • The employees are our biggest asset.
  • We prioritise ensuring good social conditions for our employees and their families.
  • We have zero tolerance regarding human rights violations.
  • At our workplace we focus on working environment and safety. We work purposefully to reduce occupational accidents, and we focus on illness and the preventions we can do to avoid it.
  • We want our integrity and honesty to be a parameter in attracting new employees.
  • We take employee development very seriously, and we see it as a social task to educate trainees and give them a good start in the world of business.
  • We want to have room for employees of all ages, and we want to see them safely into retirement.
  • We have zero tolerance regarding violations and discrimination.
  • Equal rights, and equal treatment, regardless of gender, ethnicity, political and religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age, etc. are basic human rights.
  • We protect the right to privacy, and our protection is extended to cover  data ethics matters.
  • In our opinion, diversity, including gender diversity, is logical - both from a human perspective and a competitive perspective.


  • We want to lead and manage our company in a responsible way, thus ensuring integrity and honesty as well as transparency.
  • We are concerned with corporate governance and talk openly about matters where we may have a different approach than stated in current recommendations.
  • We want transparency regarding our impact on climate and environment, our employees, and how we take responsibility as a company.
  • We have zero tolerance regarding corruption and bribery.
  • We have and apply a Supplier Code of Conduct.
  • We see to it that we comply with competition law in all our activities.


This Policy for Corporate Social Responsibility applies to the entire AO Group and was adopted by the Board of Directors on 8th December 2022.