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Spar 10% på alt fra månedens leverandør Dansani - tilbuddet gælder kun i juli

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Spar 10% på alt fra månedens leverandør Dansani - tilbuddet gælder kun i juli

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Spar 10% på alt fra månedens leverandør Dansani - tilbuddet gælder kun i juli

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Audit Committee


Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S’s Audit Committee was set up on 12 December 2008.


The purpose of the Audit Committee's work is to make an independent assessment of whether the Company's financial reporting, internal control, risk management and statutory audit are appropriate in relation to the Company's and the Group's size and complexity.

Tasks of the Audit Committee:

The Audit Committee has the following tasks:

  • to monitor and report on the financial reporting process,

  • to monitor the efficiency of the Company's internal control, internal audit, if any, and risk management systems,

  • to monitor the statutory audit of the financial statements,

  • to monitor and review the independence of the auditor, including reviewing and approving the nature and extent of the external auditor's non-audit services,

  • to recommend the appointment of auditors,

  • to perfom other tasks delegated on a regular basis by the Board of Directors.


The Audit Committee consists of four members who are appointed from and among the Board of Directors.

The Audit Committee hold meeetings 4-5 times a year. 


Peter Gath, Chair
Henning Baunbæk Dyremose, Deputy Chair
Ann Fogelgren
Erik Holm

Please find information on managerial posts and qualifications under 'Board of Directors'.